R you kidding

R and Time Series

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🐒🐒 R Time Series Issues 🐒🐒

Table of Contents

Hello Ewe 🐑

We’re back at trying to help You get past the gnarly stuff that comes with trying to use R for time series. This is an update of the R Issues Page wherein it is written, on whatever they write it on up there:

There are a few items related to the analysis of time series with R that will have you scratching your head. The issues mentioned below are meant to help get you past the sticky points.

Many of these issues have been taken care of in the package astsa. An introduction to the package may be found at FUN WITH ASTSA where the fun never stops. 🎈 🎈 🎈

Definition:   Vanilla R   Packages chosen by the developers that are automatically loaded when R is started.

The Front DooR if you need to find your way home.

Issue - how will R end?

The issue below has become a real pain as the commercial enterprise that makes RStudio influences the R Foundation, which is a nonprofit organization. Older folks saw this happen with R’s predecessor, S-PLUS. Anybody using S-PLUS right now?

An issue with a conflict between the packages dplyr and stats (or tidyverse vs noverse) came to my attention via online complaints; in particular with filter() and lag(). There may be more conflicts out there, but this conflict can ruin your analyses.

The bottom line is, if you are working with time series and you load dplyr, then you should know what it breaks… just be careful.

In fact, you should be careful whenever you load a package. For example:

# if I do this

# I will see this 
 Attaching package: 'dplyr' 

 The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': 

     filter, lag     

 The following objects are masked from 'package:base': 

     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union      

## it's a package fight!   

How this is allowed is beyond me no package should be able to annihilate Vanilla R. Perhaps the designers of the tidyverse could have used Filter and Lag instead??

I would say avoid loading dplyr if you’re analyzing time series interactively (the advantage of using R vs batch mode programs). And generally, to be safe, load packages consciously and watch for masked objects warnings.


An easy fix if you’re analyzing time series (or teaching a class) is to (tell students to) do the following if dplyr is being used.

# (1) either detach it

# (2) or fix it yourself if you want dplyr 
# this is a great idea from  https://stackoverflow.com/a/65186251
library(dplyr, exclude = c("filter", "lag"))  # remove the culprits
Lag <- dplyr::lag            # and do what the dplyr ... 
Filter <- dplyr::filter      # ... maintainer refuses to do
# then use `Lag` and `Filter` in dplyr scripts and
# `lag` and `filter` can be use as originally intended

# (3) or just take back the commands
filter = stats::filter
lag = stats::lag

# in this case, you can still use these for dplyr
Lag <- dplyr::lag     
Filter <- dplyr::filter 

😖  If you are wondering how it is possible to corrupt a base package, 👽 you are not alone.


⛔ Oh yeah, so you’re probably wondering how? … every package will nullify every other package until one day, you load R and it masks itself in an infinite do loop …


ISSUE - reproducibility

This is not just a time series complication but a problem for anyone trying to write stable code; i.e., code that not only works today, but also works next Sunday and maybe a year or two from now. The problem is that packages change - R changes 3 times a year.

We’ve experienced both of the following problems, and it is agitating, agonizing, discomforting, disquieting, distressing, enraging, infuriating, maddening, and just plain annoying…

😡 Contributed Packages: For a little side interest, check out the isoband incident story where nearly 5000 packages were going to be removed from CRAN because of package dependencies.

😡 Vanilla R:


ISSUE - when is a matRix not a matRix?

You have a sequence of matrices, $A_t$, that are of ARBITRARY dimensions $p \times q$ for $t = 1, \dots, n$. You would use an array right? BUT, and this is a big BUT, the behavior changes with $p$ and $q$. Let’s have a closer look:

# 3  2x2 matrices
( A = array(diag(1,2), dim=c(2, 2, 3)) )
   , , 1
        [,1] [,2]
   [1,]    1    0
   [2,]    0    1
   , , 2
        [,1] [,2]
   [1,]    1    0
   [2,]    0    1
   , , 3
        [,1] [,2]
   [1,]    1    0
   [2,]    0    1

   [1] TRUE  ok - a matrix


# 3  2x1 matrices 
( B = array(matrix(1,2), dim=c(2, 1, 3)) )
   , , 1
   [1,]    1
   [2,]    1
   , , 2
   [1,]    1
   [2,]    1
   , , 3
   [1,]    1
   [2,]    1

   [1] FALSE  WTF? not a matrix


# 3  1x2 matrices 
( C = array(matrix(2,1), dim=c(1, 2, 3)) )
  , , 1
       [,1] [,2]
  [1,]    2    2
  , , 2
       [,1] [,2]
  [1,]    2    2
  , , 3
       [,1] [,2]
  [1,]    2    2

   [1] FALSE  WTF? not a matrix

What’s happening is if $p$ or $q$ are $1$, then you don’t get an array of matrices. What can go wrong?

# should be a 2x1 times a 1x2 or 2x2 - BUT IT'S NOT!
B[,,1] %*% C[,,1]
   [1,]    4

# this doesn't work either
as.matrix(B[,,1]) %*% as.matrix(C[,,1])
   Error in as.matrix(B[, , 1]) %*% as.matrix(C[, , 1]) : 
    non-conformable arguments

What’s the remedy? Use Matlab, or make sure your matrices are the matrices you intended them to be:

# like this
 matrix(B[,,1], 2, 1) %*% matrix(C[,,1], 1, 2)
         [,1] [,2]
   [1,]    2    2
   [2,]    2    2

😡 If you’re thinking Well don’t use array if one of the dimensions is 1, let me say that the dimensions are arbitrary… meaning if you write a general script, you have to have cases.

But wait … there’s more. A matrix should behave like a matrix, right? So if $A$ is a $3 \times 3$ matrix, what would happen if you tried to use $A_2$ instead of $A_{2,2}$? You would say you should get an error on misuse of subscripts to avoid errors in your code. And you would be correct, but you are using R … check it out:

( A = matrix(1:9, 3) )
 #      [,1] [,2] [,3]
 # [1,]    1    4    7
 # [2,]    2    5    8
 # [3,]    3    6    9

# [1] 5     ok 

# [1] 2    WTF? this should be an error

str(A)    # what seems to be going on
# int [1:3, 1:3] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

😱 😱 😱


Issue - don’t use auto.arima

Don’t use black boxes like auto.arima from the forecast package because they DON’T WORK; see Using an automated process to select the order of an ARMA time series model returns the true data generating process less than half the time even with simple data generating processes; and with more complex models the chance of success comes down nearly to zero even with long sample sizes.

Originally, astsa had a version of automatic fitting of models but IT DIDN’T WORK and was scrapped. The bottom line is, if you don’t know what you’re doing, then why are you doing it? Maybe a better idea is to take a short course on fitting ARIMA models to data.


x = rnorm(1000)          # WHITE NOISE
forecast::auto.arima(x)  # BLACK BOX

   # partial output
     Series: x
     ARIMA(2,0,1) with zero mean

               ar1      ar2     ma1
           -0.9744  -0.0477  0.9509
     s.e.   0.0429   0.0321  0.0294

     sigma^2 estimated as 0.9657:  log likelihood=-1400
     AIC=2808.01   AICc=2808.05   BIC=2827.64

HA! … an ARMA(2,1) ?? What a Klusterfuk! y’all

🐹 But if you know what you’re doing, you would realize the model that auto.arima fit is overparameterized white noise, y’all.

🐦 There are lots of examples. The bottom line here is, automated ARIMA model fitting is for the birds.

😈 So just to be little devils, we decided to see what happens if we just fit ARs using AIC (pretty sure auto.arima uses AIC) and as expected …

# we're going to use 'spec.ic' is from 'astsa' 
#  it's an improved version of 'spec.ar'   

set.seed(666)       # same as above
x = rnorm(1000)       
u = spec.ic(x)      # plot below

# to see the AICs and BICs

     ORDER   AIC    BIC
         0  0.00   0.00
         1  1.23   6.14
         2  3.16  12.97
         3  4.72  19.45
         4  6.18  25.81
         5  5.38  29.92
         .   .      .
        28 23.69 161.10
        29 24.60 166.93
        30 21.27 168.51

… it’s WHITE NOISE, dingus.


Issue - when is the intercept the mean?

When fitting ARMA models, Vanilla R calls the estimate of the mean, the estimate of the intercept. This is ok if there’s no AR term, but not if there is an AR term.

For example, if $x_t = \alpha + \phi x_{t-1} + w_t$ is stationary, then taking expectations, with $\mu = E(x_t)$, we have $\mu = \alpha + \phi \mu$ or

\[\alpha = \mu (1-\phi).\]

So, the intercept, $\alpha$ is not the mean, $\mu$, unless $\phi = 0$. In general, the mean and the intercept are the same only when there is no AR term. Here’s a numerical example:

# generate an AR(1) with mean 50
set.seed(666)      # so you can reproduce these results
x = arima.sim(list(ar=.9), n=100) + 50
# in astsa it's
# x = sarima.sim(ar=.9, n=100) + 50 

  [1] 49.09817   # the sample mean is close

arima(x, order = c(1, 0, 0))  
           ar1  intercept   # <--  here is the problem
        0.7476    49.1451   # <--  or here, one of these has to change
  s.e.  0.0651     0.3986

The result is telling you the estimated model is something like

\[x_t = 49 + .75 x_{t-1} + w_t\]

whereas, it should be telling you the estimated model is

\[x_t - 49 = .75 ( x_{t-1} - 49 ) + w_t\]


\[x_t = 12.25 + .75 x_{t-1} + w_t\]

🤔 And if $12.25$ is not the intercept, then what is it??

The easy thing (for the R devs) to do is simply change “intercept” to “mean”:

           ar1       mean  # <-- easy  
        0.7476    49.1451
  s.e.  0.0651     0.3986

This is the main reason sarima in the package astsa was developed, and frankly, to make up for the fact that time series was an afterthought, started the entire astsa package in the first place. Here it is for your pleasure:


# partial output

          Estimate     SE  t.value p.value
    ar1     0.7476 0.0651  11.4835       0
    xmean  49.1451 0.3986 123.3091       0


Issue - your arima is drifting

When fitting ARIMA models with Vanilla R, a constant term is NOT included in the model if there is any differencing. The best Vanilla R will do by default is fit a mean if there is no differencing [type ?arima for details].

What’s wrong with this? Well (with a time series in x), for example:

arima(x, order = c(1, 1, 0))          # (1)

will not produce the same result as

arima(diff(x), order = c(1, 0, 0))    # (2)

because in (1), Vanilla R will fit the model [with $\nabla x_s = x_s - x_{s-1}$]

\[\nabla x_t= \phi \nabla x_{t-1} + w_t \quad {\rm (no\ constant)}\]

whereas in (2), Vanilla R will fit the model

\[\nabla x_t= \alpha + \phi \nabla x_{t-1} + w_t \quad {\rm (constant)}\]

If there’s drift (i.e., $\alpha$ is NOT zero), the two fits can be extremely different and using (1) will lead to an incorrect fit and consequently bad forecasts.

If $\alpha$ is NOT zero, then what you have to do to correct (1) is use xreg as follows:

arima(x, order = c(1, 1, 0), xreg=1:length(x))    # (1+)

If you want to see the differences, generate a random walk with drift and try to fit an ARIMA(1,1,0) model to it. Here’s how:

set.seed(1)           # so you can reproduce the results
v = rnorm(100,1,1)    # v contains 100 iid N(1,1) variates
x = cumsum(v)         # x is a random walk with drift = 1 

## (1)
arima(x, order = c(1, 1, 0))   # yes! it's a mess!  
#  Coefficients:
#           ar1
#        0.6031
#  s.e.  0.0793

## (2)
arima(diff(x), order = c(1, 0, 0))   
#  Coefficients:
#            ar1  intercept
#        -0.0031     1.1163
#  s.e.   0.1002     0.0897

## (1+)
arima(x, order = c(1, 1, 0), xreg=1:length(x))     
#  Coefficients:
#            ar1  1:length(x)
#        -0.0031       1.1163
#  s.e.   0.1002       0.0897

Let me explain what’s going on here. The model generating the data is

\[x_t = 1 + x_{t-1} + w_t\]

where $w_t$ is standard normal noise. Another way to write this is

\[x_t - x_{t-1} = 1 + 0 (x_{t-1} - x_{t-2}) + w_t\]


\[\nabla x_t = 1 + 0 \nabla x_{t-1} + w_t .\]

If you fit an AR(1) to $\nabla x_t$ [aka diff(x)], the estimates should be, approximately, ar1 = 0 and intercept = 1.

Thus (1) gives the WRONG answer because it’s forcing the regression through the origin. The others are correct.

Why does (1+) work? In symbols, xreg = t and consequently, Vanilla R will replace $x_t$ with $y_t = x_t - \beta t$ ; that is, it will fit the model

\[\nabla y_t = \phi \nabla y_{t-1} + w_t,\]


\[\nabla [x_t - \beta t] = \phi \nabla [x_{t-1} - \beta (t-1)] + w_t.\]


\[\nabla x_t = \alpha + \phi \nabla x_{t-1} + w_t ,\]

where $\alpha = \beta (1-\phi)$.

🐶 S-PLUS didn’t address the possibility that a time series would have drift. The R folks continued that mistake (mistakes propagate) because signal processing was an after-thought in S-PLUS that propagated to R. This oversight is easy to correct, why it isn’t corrected is a mystery.

🎉 The bottom line here is, if you wanna be happy for the rest of your life, don’t use Vanilla R for time series analysis. Instead, reach for a package like astsa that will set you free. 🎊


# partial output
             Estimate     SE t.value p.value
    ar1       -0.0031 0.1002 -0.0308  0.9755
    constant   1.1163 0.0897 12.4465  0.0000


Issue - the wrong p-values

If you use Vanilla R’s tsdiag for diagnostics after an ARIMA fit, you will get a graphic that looks like this:

🤹🏻 The p-values shown for the Ljung-Box statistic plot are incorrect because the degrees of freedom used to calculate the p-values are lag instead of lag - (p+q). That is, the procedure being used does NOT take into account the fact that the residuals are from a fitted model. This is corrected in sarima in astsa.


Issue - lead from behind

You have to be careful when working with lagged components of a time series. Note that lag(x) is a FORWARD shift and lag(x,-1) is a BACKWARD shift (unless you happen to load dplyr).

Try a small example:

x = ts(1:5)
cbind(x, lag(x), lag(x,-1))
  Time Series:
  Start = 0 
  End = 6 
  Frequency = 1 
      x lag(x) lag(x, -1)
  0  NA     1         NA
  1   1     2         NA
  2   2     3          1
  3   3     4          2 ## in this row, x is 3, lag(x) is 4, lag(x,-1) is 2
  4   4     5          3               
  5   5    NA          4
  6  NA    NA          5

In other words, if you have a series $x_t$ then

\[y_t = {\rm lag}\{x_t\} = x_{t+1}\]

and NOT $x_{t-1}$. In fact, this is reasonable in that $y_t$ actually does “lag” $x_t$ by one time period. But, it seems awkward, and it’s not typical of other programs. As long as you know the convention, you’ll be ok (unless you happen to load dplyr).

🐟 This plays out in many things with Vanilla R. For example, here’s a lag plot of the Southern Oscillation Index ($S_t$) series. It looks like scatterplots of $S_{t-k}$ (horizontal axis) vs $S_t$ (vertical axis), but in fact, are plots of $S_{t+k}$ vs $S_t$, for $k=1,\dots,4$.

lag.plot(soi, 4,  col=4)

🐠 There are two lag plot scripts in astsa, here’s the (similar) one for one series. You get what you think you were getting in the plot above. And by default, you get a lowess fit (red line) and the sample ACF (top right).

lag1.plot(soi, 4, col=4) 


Issue - regression nightmares

This is something you outta know. Although Vanilla R does warn you about this, it’s easy to miss. This is from the help file ?lm near the end

Using time series
Considerable care is needed when using lm with time series.

If you are using lm() with time series, be sure to read the entire warning. We’ll just focus on one big problem via a little Vanilla R example.

y = 5 + arima.sim(list(order=c(1,0,0), ar=.9), n=20)  # 20 obs from an AR(1) with mean 5
# in astsa it's
# y = 5 + sarima.sim(ar=.9, n=20)

# let's try to fit the regression using lm()

# first the regressor
x = lag(y,-1)
##  you wouldn't regress y on lag(y) because that would be progress  ;-) 

# run the regression
lm(y ~ x)

    (Intercept)            x  
              0            1  

Perfect fit: $\hat y = x$ or $\hat x_t = x_{t-1}$.

But wait, we know $\hat x_t -5 = .9 (x_{t-1}-5)$ or $\hat x_t = .5 + .9 x_{t-1}$… must be a mistake.

The problem is that $x_t$ and $x_{t-1}$ aren’t aligned, so they look the same to Vanilla R. The remedy to is align them this way:

dog = ts.intersect(y, x)  # aligns y and x on time
# the regession will work now
lm(y ~ x, data=dog)
   (Intercept)            x  
        1.1011       0.7659 

By the way, (Intercept) is used correctly here.

🐽 The bottom line for this one is, if x is a time series, x and lag(x,-1) [and any other version lag(x, k) for any integer k for that matter] are perfectly correlated unless you align them first.

🤣 Here you go

x1 = rnorm(100)
cor(cbind(x1, x2=lag(x1,-1), x3=lag(x1,3)))

# the correlation matrix (all 1s)
      x1 x2 x3
   x1  1  1  1
   x2  1  1  1
   x3  1  1  1

This can be a pain if you want to do lagged regressions, say

\[x_t = \beta_0 + \beta_1 z_{t} + \beta_2 z_{t-1} + w_t\]

because all those series have to be aligned first: dog = ts.intersect(x, z, lag(z,-1)). And then if you want to try another lag of z, you have to redo dog. Luckily, there is a package called dynlm that can handle these problems without having to align and re-align. The nice thing is it works like lm.


Issue - Yu-Gi-El Why?

U - G - L - Y … you ain’t got no alibi. This was one of the first things we took care of in astsa. When you’re trying to fit an ARMA model to data, you first look at the sample ACF and PACF of the data.

Let’s try this for a simulated MA(1) process. Here’s how

MA1 = arima.sim(list(order=c(0,0,1), ma=.5), n=100)
# in astsa it's
# MA1 = sarima.sim(ma=.5, n=100)

and here’s the output:

What’s wrong with this picture? First, the two graphs are on different scales. The ACF axis goes from -.2 to 1, whereas the PACF axis goes from -.2 to .4. Also, the lag axis on the ACF plot starts at 0 (the 0 lag ACF is always 1 so you have to ignore it or put your thumb over it), whereas the lag axis on the PACF plot starts at 1. So, instead of getting a nice picture by default, you get an UGLY messy picture.

You can fix it up:

acf(MA1, 20, xlim=c(1,20))   # set the x-axis limits to start at 1 then
                             #  look at the graph and note the y-axis limits
pacf(MA1, 20, ylim=c(-.2,1)) #   then use those limits here

But an easier thing to do is to use acf2 from the astsa package.


Issue - Do Not Run This Example

❌ After viewing enough help files, you will eventually run into ## Not run: in an Examples section. Why would an example be given with a warning NOT to run it?

Not run just tells CRAN not to check the example for various reasons such as it takes a long time to run … it sort of runs against the idea that help files should be helpful or at least not make things worse. Bottom line: Ignore it. It is NOT for a user's consumption. If you are using html help and you see this, then Run Examples will not do anything. In this case, you just copy-and-paste the code to run it (at your own risk of course).


🐒 𝔼 ℕ 𝔻 🐒